Sealaska’s leadership team takes our responsibility to our 26,000 shareholders incredibly seriously. Our obligation to them extends beyond the legal and financial requirements, we are obligated to them as family. All of us are part of the greater community of Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian people with ancestral ties to Southeast Alaska.

One of our core values as a people is the concept of Haa Aani ­– this is our commitment to care for the oceans and lands because they have always been, and always will be, the foundation of our people.

We are humbled to be in a position to live out our true cultural identities and values through our work while generating profits that will help sustain our people and communities for generations to come.

Board of Directors
Board Chair | Tlingit & Haida Business Corporation CEO
Richard Rinehart
Kenmore, WA
Interim President | Alaska Federation of Natives Co-Chair
Joe Nelson
Juneau, AK
Board Vice Chair | Inside Passage Electric Cooperative CEO & General Manager
Jodi Mitchell
Juneau, AK
Michael Beasley
Juneau, AK
Vice President for Arctic Ocean Conservancy
‘Wáahlaal Gidaag
Barbara Blake
Juneau, AK
Juneau School District | Native Education Grants Administrator
Barbara Cadiente-Nelson
Juneau, AK
Senior Director of Recovery Services for Cook Inlet Tribal Council
Dr. Angela Michaud
Anchorage, AK
Karen Taug
Haines, AK
Productions Founder
Morgan Howard
Kirkland, WA
Executive Director | Xaadas Kil Kuyaas Foundation (XKKF) | Owner of Minority Woman-Owned Business | Lisaverosh Consulting
Lisa Lang
Hydaburg, AK
Charles (Chas) Edwardson
Principal Engineer/Program Manager
Monico Ortiz
Bellevue, WA
Cultural Manager | Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska
Vicki Soboleff
Blaine, WA
2023-2025 Board Youth Advisor | Master of Arts in Public Humanities at Brown University
Breylan Náajeyistláa Martin
Juneau, AK
Aaní Perkins
Land & Communities
Vice President of Regional Business Development
Derik Frederiksen
Vice President of Administration and Outreach
Desiree Jackson
General Manager Haa Aaní
Jason Gubatayao
Carbon Offset Administrator
Mitchell Haldane
Other Businesses

The shared heritage of our 26,000 shareholders, whose people have lived in relationship with land and ocean for 10,000 years, inspires Sealaska’s approach to business. Through Sealaska’s Woocheen business platform, geophysicists, entrepreneurs, data analysts and seafood masters work together to foster ocean health. Our companies – encompassing sustainable seafood, geotechnical work, groundwater remediation, data sciences and marine and land-based construction – bring a shared commitment to people and planet.

Learn more about these businesses and their leaders at Woocheen.com/about.