Alaska Voters Head to the Polls for Primary and Special Election
Alaska’s special election and primary election held Tuesday, August 16
Do you have a plan to vote yet? Think about when, where, and how you’ll get there.
Alaska polls are open from 7 a.m. – 8 p.m. Reach out to family and friends about the importance of voting.
If all Native people vote during a normal turnout year, the Native vote has the ability to influence the direction of our state – this is huge!
Important Information for Alaska Voters
• Feeling a bit confused by the new ranked choice voting system? The Division of Elections has resources that explain the voting process.
• Find your polling place and the hours the polls are open here.
• Find sample ballots here.
Sealaska Endorses Peltola, Walker-Drygas and Murkowski; Opposes Constitutional Convention
The Sealaska Board of Directors approved endorsing Senator Lisa Murkowski, Mary Peltola for Congress and the Bill Walker-Heidi Drygas ticket for governor and lieutenant governor of Alaska. The board also opposes a constitutional convention, a ballot measure that appears on the general-election ballot in Alaska every 10 years.

Directors announced their endorsement of Peltola in July based on her long track record of working for and with Native communities across the state and because of her deep experience at all levels of government in Alaska. To read more about the candidates and issues Sealaska’s board are standing beside, visit here.
By working together and encouraging people to vote at every opportunity, we strengthen representation that benefits Alaska Native people. Join us #GetOutTheNativeVote!