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New Totem Pole in Klawock to Honor Veterans

The Klawock community came together in late August and stood up a totem pole representing all branches of the U.S. military. The totem now stands in the newly named Veterans Memorial Totem Park.  U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan, a member of both the Senate Armed Forces and Veterans’ Affairs Committees, was a guest speaker at the event. “Alaska has more veterans per capita than any other state in the country. Even more special in my view, Alaska Natives serve at higher rates in the military than any other ethnic group in the whole country.”  The 37-foot totem pole includes an eagle and raven back to back at the top. Flags from all five military branches are carved under the eagle raven and at the base of the totem are two figures representing a modern day soldier and a Tlingit warrior in a war helmet.  Sealaska is one of many organizations that participated in the totem raising honoring those who proudly served their country. We salute our servicemen and women.  Here are a few sights and sounds from the two-day event celebrating and honoring veterans. View images from the event here. News Coverage of Totem Raising Event