New Youth Opportunity
Discover a Fulfilling Career!

Are you a student starting to think about what to do after high school?
Are you between secondary and post-secondary school right now and not sure what is the best next step?
Are you a post-secondary or college student who isn’t sure what to major in yet?
Join fellow Alaska Native students to learn practical ways to take your next steps in your education or career pathway! In collaboration with Sealaska’s Intern Program, Spruce Root and Plum Coaching, we are hosting a Career Discovery Workshop on Friday, August 12! This workshop is designed to help you realize what motivates you toward a fulfilling career path.
You will take a short career assessment before the workshop to provide some clarity on future job interests. A coach will then walk through the assessment during a session.
We will discuss decision-making from an Alaska Native cultural and community perspective.
We will learn about different funding opportunities available for post-secondary.
You will hear from current Sealaska interns who are pursuing degrees and learning about their career interests. You will also learn from the Sealaska intern program manager about tips for applying, interviewing, and landing internships while being a student.
We will close the day with a guided goal-setting session, so you feel prepared to take whatever step is best for you after this workshop.
Apply to the free virtual workshop by Sunday, July 31, 2022
Participation stipulations:
- Must be between 14 and 24 years old
- Must be a Sealaska shareholder or descendant of a shareholder
- Must have access to internet and computer for the workshop day
- Must be available Friday, August 12 to participate
Application timeline:
- Apply by Sunday, July 31, 2022, via survey
- Notified of selection by Monday, August 1, 2022
- Once selected, you will be sent a career assessment via email
- Complete short career assessment by Monday, August 8, 2022
Workshop takes place via Zoom on Friday, August 12, 2022