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Sealaska Launches New Scholarship Program for Part-Time Students

Sealaska launched another addition to the scholarship program by adding eligibility for part-time students enrolled in colleges or vocational-technical schools.

The scholarships, which will be $1,424 per award in the initial year, will help to remove a financial barrier for Sealaska shareholders and descendants who are not able to attend school full time. The program was authorized on May 6, 2019, by Sealaska Heritage Institute’s (SHI) Board of Trustees and will be administered by SHI.

“With our businesses sustaining financial growth, our top priority is funding educational programs that empower our people,” said Anthony Mallott, Sealaska president and CEO. “Whether they can commit to full time or part time due to work, raising a family, or any other reason, we are excited to provide more opportunities for scholarships.”

“We hope that this expanded program will encourage more students to enroll and finish their degrees at their own pace,” said Joe Nelson, Sealaska board chair.

The application period for the 2019-2020 academic year is open now. Apply here by July 15, 2019.

Successful applicants must complete an online application, take at least two academic courses per semester or quarter, be a Sealaska shareholder or shareholder descendant, have a minimum grade point average of 2.0, complete a 500-word essay, and submit one reference.

Last year and for the first time in its history, Sealaska increased the scholarship endowment fund by $10 million to a total of $15.7 million. In March 2019, Sealaska board of directors approved funding scholarships for part-time students to continue to invest in programs the Sealaska community prioritizes.

View Press Release from Sealaska and SHI: Sealaska Launches Scholarship Program for Part-Time Students

Learn more about the scholarships administered by Sealaska Heritage Institute at