We believe a better future, one in which both people and the planet thrive, is within reach. To achieve this, we must first recalibrate our world, finding balance. Together, our Woocheen ocean-health businesses and Haa Aaní land holdings are doing just that. Inspired by the Indigenous Lingít language, Woocheen speaks to the importance of collaboration with each other in harmony with our environment and our planet’s finite resources, while Haa Aaní references our peoples’ eternal, reciprocal relationship with our homelands.
Our past, present and future are all rooted in place — and with it, a sacred responsibility to care for our planet.

All we have achieved has grown from our lands.
Yá ax neiiéedei, yá ax neiIéedei, yu ax neiIée áa yéi yateeyi yéidei. Come home with me, come home with me, to the place where my home is.
Building a better world
Together, we will leave our planet better than we found it. We envision a future in which rivers teem with salmon and forests tower with vitality. We envision healthy waterways, thriving people and vibrant cultures, fed by lands and waters carefully and lovingly cared for by all our hands.
It is our responsibility to consider future generations in all we do —and that includes a future with cleaner oceans and responsibly managed lands. Collectively, we have the power to help turn the tide, creating a healthier world that can continue to nourish us all.